Skills & Works Solutions
As a training provider, the practical aspects produce various waste streams from each of the sector. It is important to the Skills Centre that where their waste cannot be reused, it is recycled – this is where JWS Waste comes in.
WS Waste have a waste management permit for the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) based in Salford, which is where the waste from Skills & Works Solutions is segregated to recover materials that can be recycled, and divert their waste from landfill.
Due to the variety of waste streams that Skills and Works Solutions produce, they needed a waste management company that could offer a wide range of waste services. JWS Waste’s variety of waste services from skip hire to trade waste collections was a big support.
“I would recommend JWS as a supplier of choice due to their competitive prices, excellent customer service, flexibility in meeting our requirements and first class service in recycling our waste streams, saving us time and money.”
Eddie Copeland, Health & Safety Officer
One of our favourite aspects of JWS Waste is their great customer service ethic. This shows through the helpfulness of the customer care team over the phone when we need to arrange skip exchanges or deliveries for projects on site, and help with additional waste streams such as light tube boxes for dead fluorescent tubes or metal skips.
In addition to this, JWS Waste’s drivers are always careful and very helpful when they arrive onsite to deliver and exchange our skips.
JWS are very competitive on price (other competitors have quoted but cannot beat JWS on price) and also very responsive with requests for skip exchanges or additional skips.
Lastly, it is a big help to us that JWS segregate our waste at their facility so we don’t require multiple skips on our site. This saves room on our car park for our learners and staff.
“We have built up a high level of trust and loyalty second to none with JWS and I would recommend them to anyone wishing to use their services.”
Eddie Copeland, Health & Safety Officer

Skill Works & Solutions is one of the largest providers of work-based learning and training in the North West. They are a non-for-profit company, offering a huge range of apprenticeships, traineeships and courses.
They also run a variety of practical-based training, with their courses covering a wide range of sectors including construction, engineering and automotive.