Delivering FORS E-Learning to Our LGV Drivers
Ongoing Commitment to Driver Training
As part of our commitment to upgrading from our FORS (Fleet Operators Recognition Scheme) Bronze accreditation to the FORS Silver accreditation along with our focus on driver training, all JWS LGV vehicle drivers undertake key FORS e-learning modules.
Last year, our drivers successfully completed their ‘Cycle Safe’ e-learning module, which concentrates on driver attitude and perception, an introduction to active travel and hazard recognition.

For this year’s FORS e-learning modules, our drivers have completed the ‘TruckSmart’ e-learning module for commercial HGV drivers. The TruckSmart training course explores 5 simple messages: Know It, Check It, Load It, Secure It, Report It.
Some of the subject areas included in the course are the drivers’ roles and responsibilities within the HGV safety system, vehicle checks and defect reporting, and the principles of safe loading.
Our commitment to driver training and the overall development of our workforce means that we can build a team dedicated to providing high quality, sound waste solutions for businesses within the North West.
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Here at JWS, we're all about sustainability and quality. For over 30 years we've helped 100's of customers with waste management solutions. Find out more about our story.
We want to help you find a waste service that gives you the best results for your business - cutting down costs on disposal and improving your environmental impact.