Job Completion Email Confirmations Have Arrived

In response to our customers demands for more detailed management information JWS Waste have improved our business processes to include Job Completion Email Confirmations.

JWS Waste customers now receive Job Completion Email Confirmtations to keep our customers informed

Click Here to see an example.

The new Job Completion Email Confirmations emails will be sent out to the designated customer email address upon completion of a job and will include information such as site address, container size, waste type, weight, date of service, ticket number, order number and price.

This individual confirmation allows for a further breakdown of the monthly recycling certificates already available to JWS customers, and allows our customers to build up a detailed picture of the volume of waste they may be producing, with a site by site breakdown, and the quantity of containers serviced.

If you would like to register for email confirmations then complete your details below

[gravityform id=”10″ name=”Sign Up For Job Completion Confirmation Emails”]