Fire Prevention High On JWS Agenda

New Improvements Made to JWS Waste Fire Prevention Protocols.

Fire Prevention High on Priority List at JWS Waste as health and safety remains a high priority to the company. In 2011, 425 fires were investigated by the Environment Agency. Statistically every 0.92 days a fire is reported at an English recycling or waste management facility.

Following recent media coverage on the number of fires at recycling & waste companies around the country, JWS Waste has audited and reviewed its own Fire Safety Protocol and made several improvements.

These include checking loads for hazardous and flammable substances, good housekeeping standards, and wetting down waste piles. Also, JWS Waste will be undertaking proper defect checks on plant, equipment and machinery, which all contribute to reducing the risk of a fire on site.

Proper fire checks are completed when undertaking hot works on site and a full hot works permit completed when working outside of the hot works area. Clearing areas of debris and waste regularly, ensuring that flammables are stored away correctly and materials such as paper, card and plastic is stored at least 10 meters from the Materials Recycling Building will reduce the risk of a fire occurring and spreading.

Further improvements to hoses and onsite security all demonstrate that JWS Waste is driving the standard in Fire Prevention.